Tag Archives: gaming

“A New Beginning”

7 Feb

Hello my friends!

I hope you are all doing well…I see many new bloggers out there, Welcome!

I wonder what really captions an audience? Is it the photographs of exotic places or the weird looking things that are captured on video these days? I don’t know, whatever it is has the social media nowadays growing at a very fast speed.

With life there comes changes, some of these chances are accompanied with many bumpy roads or obstacles…As you learn to move forward you start to realize how everything around starts to fall in place.

I continue to live humbly….
I hate no one, for there’s no space in my heart to hate…I think positive about life and all of its offerings…
Those who have done me wrong I have forgiven and continue to pray for their souls…those who love me, I have never stopped praying for you and wish you the best…
No matter how hard life may seam…Please don’t worry, God has your back…
He has never left you…and neither will I.
Those who only know me by name don’t know my story, you only know what you’ve heard about me or what I’ve may have been through…
The truth is…
I am a new me…I love me…I respect me…I believe in me…
I learn how to remove the negative which surrounded me…and everyday I have a reason to be grateful for…
I know my heart and mind are in the right place…I am surrounded by loving people who feel the same way I do….They have no need for the Enemy to invade their space or mine…
I stopped wasting my time getting upset at people who’s adversity revolved around criticizing others, making people feel inferior or less than them because of their financial status…

Life is not all about how much money you make a year or who wears the best clothes, who’s home is larger or better, who drives the best car, its about, being real inside and out, not waiting for someone to turn their backs and stick the dagger in so deep that you have to wonder who put it there…
Its about Trust, Respect, Honesty, its about appreciating everything including the people you care about…It’s about looking at yourself in the mirror and recognizing that while others thought you would give up…you didn’t fall apart you held it together and that my friends is strength…that is something I recognize…

We all have different ways to deal with life’s troubles, but one thing we should never forget is…you are not alone…you take the past and wave it good bye and don’t forget to say thank you for the lessons you learned…Thank God for the greatest present given to you, which is today the day you’re living, that’s your Present…and tell your Future, Here I am ready to take on the challenges…

There are many people out there who’s survive some sort of event in their life, and some who may feel like they are alone…guess what you’re not alone.

Life is full of surprises and changes are great…Positive thinking is the key, don’t ever be afraid to take a stand…Heaven has a plan for all us…

I’m going to share a video with you, I love the lyrics as well as these Amazing talented Artists. I think they are awesome!! You Rock!!



I hope you’re opened minded in order to understand the message of the song…I strongly believe that anyone whose willing to make a change in their life for the better should freely take a stand without fear…I mean no offence to anyone and I hope you enjoy the video…

Until Next time,

~Jeannette Moreno~

Are you listening?

26 Jun

Are you listening?.

Are you listening?

26 Jun

The world turns and doesn’t stop…What would happen if it did? or has it ever?

We live in a world that suffers constantly from many different types of problems…Most of this issues go unnoticed…There are many voices that cry out for help…but the problem is…they’re not being heard…. we are looking at many different issues and they seem to get larger everyday…. the hand that reaches out it’s being ignored and overlooked because of the society we are living in.

Would this world ever be what we expected to be?….This is our world and even if I say it would be alright its up to you to take the step forward and speak up…No one will ever see the side that’s reflected because you are hiding behind the walls…every now and again you need to fight for what you believe in and realized that you are not alone…

I have been writing for a long time and maybe I have yet not introduced myself properly….I am Jeannette Moreno, The Author of “I am a Survivor” an Autobiography about my life and how I survived domestic violence…

As an abused woman I learned that living in “fear” wasn’t I wanted…I needed to get away from the world I was living in and find the peace of heaven I knew it would save my life and my children before it was too late…Everyone has a different story and I know is not easy to talk about it…Sometimes we rather hear other people talk about their issues…and then we say to ourselves…Wow, I thought I had issues…and it ends there…I often ask myself what is it that I want out of life?

I’ll tell you what…I know what I want…But what I really want to know is, What do you want?…What do you need?..What are you thinking?

Feel free to SPEAK UP!!!!


The one crime that will always have a repeat and cannot be stopped unless someone SPEAK-UP is Domestic Violence, I want to help stop the abuse, the only thing is I cannot do it alone….We can make this happen, voices can be heard if we join together and spread the word as far as we can take it…. I know that we can do this….It’s easy…all you need to do is Volunteer.

My love and concern for my kids as well as the rest of the children around the world scares me tremendously everyday and as I was doing some new research about child abuse and domestic violence the other day,

This is what I found:

10 alarming facts about how domestic violence impacts kids–

Unicef-  Estimates that more than 275 million children worldwide experience VIOLENCE in their home, calling it one of the most pervasive human rights challenges of our times. If all these Children lived in one country it would be roughly the size of Western Europe.  3.3 Million Children experience domestic violence each year in the U.S.

These Children grow up- 40 million adults are living with the devastating falsehoods that become the foundation of their childhood memories. The foundations of their lives, 63% of all boys tho commit murder KILL the man who was ABUSING their mother.

Alarming isn’t it?  It gives me goosebumps just thinking about these facts but it’s as real as it gets…

The single biggest predator of girls becoming victims of domestic violence later in life whether or not they grow up in a home where is domestic violence. Children in homes where domestic occurs are physically abused or seriously neglected, 1500% higher than the national average.  Their memories are so severe they meet the clinical criteria for Post traumatic Stress Disorder.  “Many children would rather themselves be hit than allow their mothers be beaten”.

“It’s easier to bear the physical pain than the emotional hurt and feelings of helplessness”

I want you all to understand how important it’s to me to get the word out there…Abuse is a big issue and it goes unnoticed…Yes, it get’s a day or two when something bad happens…but then is out of the radar…it never get’s talked about or even acknowledged.  Why should there always have to be a tragedy before someone pays attention to what’s happening right next door? It doesn’t mean you have to be nosy but you should be AWARE!!!

Did you know that Children who are exposed to domestic violence are also 5 to 7 times more likely to experience significant psychological problems?

Exposure to chronic abuse and violence is linked to poorer language skills impairment of visual-motor integration skills, problems with attention and memory.

90% of prisoners experienced violence as a child.  In the year of 2010 more money was raised to protect the native birds of the UNITED STATES , than was raised  to protect these children.  It’s a shame…because knowing how important our children are to us and to our COUNTRY AS I HEAR…THEY SHOULD BE TAKEN CARE OF…

My heart cries just to know that very little is being done to help PROTECT and SAVE our CHILDREN….help us bring domestic violence and child abuse to an end…My question still the same….How many women/children/men have to die before our voices are heard?


My name is Jeannette Moreno, I am a survivor of domestic violence and I have a voice….I want to hear yours…

Together we can save on life at the time…get involved…We can make it happen.

Don’t forget to leave your comment….Thank you for reading


“Be a Leader not a Follower”

7 Jun

Hello Everyone! Hope you are all doing great!

Today I talk about the people our youth look up to…are they “an example”, what kind of example we can be to others?…Being tempted is easy but we can fight it and teach our children how to walk away from certain situations…being honest is a plus all the time…companies wasting perfectly good food…we all have rights…and some other stuff.

When someone tells a young adult to “Be a Leader, not a Follower”, without explaining… What do they actually mean?…

Our children these days listen to all sorts of music…Some of the stuff they hear…I am not so thrilled about…It’s actually scary…I still listen to great music,  like my….Salsa, Soul, R&B, Regaetton, Jazz, and last but not least FREESTYLE… I have a whole list of great Artists whom I listen to every day…They are awesome.

I still listen to their music and can enjoy the sounds but compare to the one’s I hear these days…Shame on what our children are learning from some of this new artists…but, they are basically allowed to sing whatever they please and we cannot control what our kids hear all the time…at home “Yes we can” but not outside our home… out there we have no control….unless our children are obedient which, not many of them are, let’s be honest now….we all know that temptation is most of the time one step ahead of us.

I am a mother…but, I was a teenager once and I know about the parent’s rules and regulations as I’m sure you do too….I had my own personal experiences…

What to wear and what not to wear, the changing at school, hoping no one saw me and told on me…no make-up until your 16,  and then try it on at 12 putting on eyeliner and lipstick when I got to the school… and one day I got busted, my mom, show’s up at my school unexpected and got me really good for that one…never did it again…until today those who know me can tell you I’m no fan of make-up, specially eyeliner….no shaving your legs until after your 14th birthday, I ended up cutting myself so deep I bled every time I moved my leg in a certain way for about 2 days and my aunt kept smacking me on my head every-time she saw the cut… I still have the scar…I tell my children I rather know what they do…than not to know….because sooner or later I will…I got eyes in the back of my head…I see everything!!!  BE HONEST with your kids and they’ll BE HONEST with you….I hope for my sake…

If I could send a message to these artist’s the only thing I could say is….”Be an example.” these children are our FUTURE..I still stand by that…

When I I talk to my kids I tell them like it is, and I for one know that we are not perfect…no human is…but I can always give the best advise I can and I will, because I love them…And I know you do the same with your kids…

Don’t let anybody put you down….It happened to me once before and it didn’t feel good it hurt a whole lot…

How you present yourself to the world is how they will view you…and when you speak choose your words correctly…not only that…but, also understand the trouble with words, because once they are spoken their affect could be either a good one or a bad one…you never know….the things you say, you can’t never take back, once you say them that’s it…Sometimes you can say you’re sorry, you may even lose someone’s trust and trying to regain the trust back from the one you hurt….may be a bit difficult…and depending on who the person is,  maybe you have a chance into work things out.

In life everything is about choices… you can refuse to eat something if you don’t like it…do not allow anyone to force you into eating it, because it’s your choice not theirs…If you encounter a problem where you have to choose between, the easy way out or the LAW’s way out… always choose the LAW’s way… no matter how ugly the situation may be, I got your back…be always HONEST!!!DO NOT LIE!! the TRUTH will always be the one to set you FREE…

Do not be tempted by anything or anyone… believe me temptation is part of this life and it has been around since the beginning of time… people nowadays don’t care about wrong or right…if they did there would be less crime and less theft and so on…But my children, If you ever find yourself in that situation where you are somehow tempted….JUST CALL ME…I AM ONLY A PHONE CALL AWAY!!!OR TEXT ME…TECHNOLOGY IS GREAT THESE DAYS.


You see the problem with today’s issues are many….most of them don’t even raise an eyebrow, but they should…some people forget how much poverty and hunger is going on out there… yet, on my daily visits to the market see how many pallets of fruit and vegetables get thrown away rather than send them out to shelters or places to feed the families in need…Let’s not talk about loss prevention in some of these places… I have seen things you can’t even imagine…I wish I walked around with a video camera or even a tape recorder…But I cannot do that…Yet my voice cannot be heard, I could bring it to the attention of the store manager and they just look at me as if ….what’s a few dollars…I wonder how the Company owner feels about that? Yet I’m sure that person who supposed to be “an example” is making a nice “bonus”.

To “be a leader” is not change you behaviors or who you are because someone tells you to…or to please everyone around you and try to be perfect…it’s not that at all…It’s to be an advocate for the people, and help around the community or the causes around the world or…to do something good for someone else without expecting anything in return…because you know that in the end your reward would be a great one…because you accomplished something kind for someone other than yourself.

When people tell you that you are a “Follower” tell them, I am sorry, but I have to disagree,  because I am “A Leader not a Follower” and walk away with your head up high.

An example of a “Leader”

“A Leader” is the one that’s acceptable of the FACTS…and understands that we have RIGHT’S…the one who obey’s and understands The Constitution of The United States of America and follows the Amendments without breaking the rules…and that means all the rules…a leader don’t overlook their country if it’s crying and in need of help, they make sure they stand by it with honor and pride….just like the captain would chose to go down with his ship.

Our Country is an Amazing Country, and we’ve had many wonderful leaders…

I am proud of my Country….And I am proud of our children even with their faults….We are one country with many voices….we have many leaders and one Constitution…many rules have been forgotten…and many have forgotten how to lead…and what’s important some issues remain unseeing.

Ps 19:14  The Poet wrote…”A careless word may be kindle strife, a cruel word may wreck a life. A gracious word may soothe the way, a joyous word may light the day. A timely word may lessen stress, a loving word may heal and bless.”


~Jeannette Moreno~

Feel free to leave your comments and hope you can help spread the word against domestic violence,child abuse, among other things.